Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 2 - Salta

Monday, January 26, 2015

My week was good. I am getting to like my area more every day. Especially Salta!

We are 6 in the district. I dont know how to explain how big my area is. I am about 20-30 minutes away from the mission home in bus. I really like Salta because every morning it is cool weather. It reminds me a lot of how Kamas is in the morning. Tucuman and Santiago are hot all day. Jujuy was really cold. I was there for the winter. And Salta gets hot to but its cool in the mornings. We still play soccer on pdays. Not on all of them but often. 

We have some cool investigators. We are trying to focus on finding because we didnt have that many when I got here. I am replacing a missionary that ended the mission here in this area. The ward is big. It has about 120 people every week. Its got full functioning organizations. On Sunday I gave a talk. I didnt know I was going to give a talk. I was putting something in my bag after the sacrament and they announced who was going to talk and I heard my name. I thought "what? Did he just say that I was going to speak? On what topic?" I grabbed my BoM and walked to the pulpit and asked him again just to make sure what I heard was right. Then just started talking. I remember talking about the destruction of the city of Ammoniah in Alma and thats all. Afterwards the members said it was a really good talk. I just got up and had no idea of what to talk about. I got caught off guard. I usually know like 5 minutes before of something but this time nothing.

I am super excited for Andrew. 

I cant send pictures again. But I will do it next week. 

I love and miss you all! 

Nos vemos la próxima semana!

Elder Dawson

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 1 - Salta

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

So everything is good with my companion and I. Our area is big. A bus ride is 2.50 pesos. But we travel 4 times at least. Its cool to be in Salta. Our apartment is part of an apartment complex. They are all apartments. It has a washer and dryer. My bed is good. Its the best that I have had so far in the mission. We have a bathroom and a shower. We have to take two buses to get to church. Its about 15 minutes in bus. On a good day. I like being a district leader because it helps me to work and trying to serve the best I can the other missionaries. 

I am super stoked for Andrew. I hope he leaves a week after I get back. jajaI 

I gotta go. I will write and send some pictures next week. I love you all!

Elder Dawson

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 18 - Tucuman (TRANSFER TO SALTA!)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I am doing pretty good. I got transferred yesterday and so that it why I wasnt able to write you.  I am now in Salta Capital. Zone Salta and my area is called Independencia 1. I live outside of my area and then we have to take the bus every time we go somewhere weather we come or go. There are four of us in the apartment. Elder Evans is from Canada and is going to train a new missionary. My comp is Elder Romer. He is from Texas. It is super weird because he is 18. His birthday is also June 9th. He is only one month older than Andrew...He left like a week or two weeks after his birthday and now has almost 7 months in the mission. The apartment is bigger than what we had in Tucuman but its still kind of small. 

I gave my suitcase away to a kid named Carlos. He just got his wisdom teeth taken out last week. He is just about to send in his mission papers. He has a sister that is in Mexico on her mission. She gets home in June. In Santiago a kid left on his mission to Mexico last June. I left Santiago the last week of March. In Jujuy a kid is going to Bahia Blanca. its also in Argentina. A girl got back from the Mendoza Argentina mission a couple others were preparing to leave. In Tucuman well I told you about them first. My mini missionary is now serving his real mission in Brazil. He left in November. 

I got the two letters and the package on Friday. The package was in good condition. I was super happy to get starbursts and skittle and the Nutella. I shared with some people and we have already eaten the skittles and the Nutella. I am saving the starbursts. 

How are Andrews papers going? Have you already sent them? 

I am super stoked that Nate is home. Tell him hey for me.

Lately we have gone over a lot in the mission and I have taught a lot about our attitudes. It’s always great to have a good attitude and to keep working despite of the challenges because nothing that happens to us should matter. Our attitude is to keep going and doing the best that we can trusting that God will show us the way and what to do.

I am still the district leader. Its a district of elders now. I have the zone leaders too. Its hard but its fun and I love it

I am not able to send pictures now but I will do it next week. Thanks for being the best family in the world. I love you all!

Nos vemos la proxima semana. 

Elder Dawson

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 17 - Tucuman

Monday, January 5, 2015

I am glad that you had a great time at the beach! I would have loved to be there with you! I miss the family reunions. 

We are only 4 in the apartment. Elder Dalsing is from Heber City and Elder Rodriguez is from Peru. Elder Rodrigues goes home in a week and Elder Dalsing has almost 6 months in the mission. We put the camera on a wall to take the picture. 

I havent given away the suit case yet. This week I have to organize everything good to do it. We have transfers this coming Monday and I am pretty sure I will be going. 

I received a package. I will be getting it on Friday. I will probably be getting some letters too. I will let you know on Monday or whenever I write you again. 

I thought that uncle Jim died before Aunt Latrese! I am sorry. I loved him a lot. I remember going to his house! I remember Ross. Thats cool that he and Geoff are both in the mission field. [My Uncle Jim passed away on January 1. His wife, Latrese, died a few years back. He is the youngest of 12 children, and the brother to my dad (Alec's grandpa). There is still one sister living].

Its been a slow week with the new years stuff. Yes the parties, music and the fireworks are crazier for new years! It was good though! 

Here are some pictures.