Thats super awesome that Logan got his visa. Does that mean he is in the Brazil
MTC right now? Could you be able to send me his mission email and everything.
Man, I am so stoked for him. So when do Steven and Allison
leave too? I dont remember. I think Steven is September, and Allison October
right? (Editors
Note: Logan did enter Sao Paulo MTC last week. Allison actually entered the Provo MTC on September 25 and Steven entered
the Provo MTC the next week on October 2).
Alright so this is mainly my week. Last
Monday we did the usual. Ties, shopping, email, and sports at the church. We
played poison ball. Its pretty much dodge ball except everyone for themselves.
We played with one ball. If someone got hit they would sit down. If the person
that got them out gets hit then they get to stand back up. You pretty much have
to get everyone out to win. It was really fun and crazy. One point I jumped up
to catch the ball, and so did Elder Jones and another Elder. Elder Jones was close
lined because my elbow went into his mouth. He landed on his back and was okay.
But his teeth went into my elbow. I bled a little bit.
Nothing really happened on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Just super hot and not much success. The highlight on Friday was finding a super huge lime! Super gigantic.
Nothing really happened on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Just super hot and not much success. The highlight on Friday was finding a super huge lime! Super gigantic.
Saturday morning, the Jehovah's Witnesses came to our door. Elder Jones and I answered. We talked to them for a little and they asked if they could give us a Watchtower magazine. We said yeah we would take it if we could give them a Book of Mormon. He asked a couple times because he was like then you wont read it. We said we would if he read the Book of Mormon. He didnt want to do anything though. Eventually they said goodbye and left.
So Sunday! Super great. We had two baptisms. Santiago and Ashley! It was my first baptism! I was able to baptize Santiago! Such a great experience. They were really excited and so were we.
So yeah, I havent
heard anything about missionaries and visas. I feel like I might get it half
way through next transfer. We get transfer calls this weekend. I dont know if I
am staying in this area or what so we will see. I will send some more pictures!
See you next week. I love you!
-Elder Dawson